Contact Info

Janetta Marais

Home Tel: 049 837 0035

Fax no: 049 837 0099

Cell: 082 364 6406




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For more enquiries about “bring a needy friend”, see the Love-Eve Foundation Letter

For more enquiries about “bring a needy friend”,

see the Love-Eve Foundation Letter

Founder’s Message

A dream came true as we launched a foundation that can change many women from being defeated, to standing tall in a falling world.


The idea of a fund for the broken, abused and hurt originated in my heart many years ago. It started as a tiny seed, but has since then developed into an official registered foundation which will have a wonderful affirming impact on the lives of these women. A lot of nail-biting effort and hard work went into the establishment of a Health Retreat-Spa. Here any woman, who wants to be restored, will be taken through a body, mind and spirit uplifting and healing programme.


This idea is remarkable as it will equip anybody to start thinking and acting differently. An empowered woman will arise from her circumstances and will be able to once again become skilled, independent and confident in herself.


“Welcome to the Love-Eve Foundation. We want to give hope, strength and restoration back to all our hurt, abused and challenged women.” – Janetta


To “Love Eve” means to have compassion for women. In this case we mean all women with severe challenges that negatively affect them to such an extent that their normal stability and life are compromised.

Compassion has to develop into action which includes helping, uplifting, giving hope, vision and self-confidence. The main short term goal is to have these women VISIT the Hide-Away where she will be part of the 3-day restoration programme. See Here she will be equipped and nurtured.


The vision extends even further to long term support in such a woman’s life. The idea is to help build these individuals to higher levels of existence. Please explore the site and learn more about our mission. We can only hope that once you know more about this, you will be moved in your heart to get involved.

Warmest wishes to all

Janetta Marais

Founder Love-Eve Foundation


Our Mission

To achieve our purpose, requires from us, the Trustees and the staff, hearts filled with compassion. We also need healthy strong bodies to be able to walk the extra mile, endurance and tough minds that can make clear-cut and very responsible balanced decisions.


The Board of Trustees has decided to make it our life-goal to contribute by helping needy and broken women. To be able to do that, we have to learn to know the specific referred individuals.


The first stage is to invite the qualifying woman to enjoy being part of a three-day life-changing journey at our Karoo Health Retreat-Spa in the Steytlerville district. We are 40 km from town and situated at the foothills of the majestic Cockscomb Mountain in the Eastern Cape.


During these initial 3 days, the woman will receive tender loving care but will also have to be taught how to nurture her body, detox her mind, and find renewed hope and purpose in life. She will receive emotional therapy and counselling. Proper diet will also be incorporated. See Three-Day Package.


Once she has been equipped and evaluated, the Trustees will take her progress in consideration. She will receive ongoing support and be linked up with further professional assistance if she prefers that. As each person’s circumstances differ, all cases will be treated individually. The basic idea is that the needy woman will be referred by concerned family members, caring friends or any professional person, i.e. minister, pastor, doctor, etc. If she qualifies, she can visit us. The Love-Eve Foundation will be responsible for her costs. As the programme is designed for groups only, the friends or family members can take part in the 3-day journey for their own benefit. We have found that this works best as a lot of fun, laughter and joy are build into their entire stay.


We call upon all who knows a broken or hurt person. She might be your mother, sister, aunt, neighbour, friend, daughter or even yourself. Think twice before you close this page. Stop and investigate the helping hand that reaches out across your screen.