Contact Info

Janetta Marais

Home Tel: 049 837 0035

Fax no: 049 837 0099

Cell: 082 364 6406




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~Tim & Sue Hobson~

A delightful overnight stay en-route to Baviaanskloof. We enjoyed the peace and quiet and a long evening around a lovely warm fire in the fire pit.

~Jakub (Czech Rep. Prague)~

It was a great stay, perfect accommodation, next time we have to stay longer. Many   Thanks!

~Elisabé Olivier~

Voorwaar ‘n hawe van rus en geestelike verlaai, Ons is uit ons sokkies bederf. Baie baie dankie

~Thea Smith~

Baie dankie. DIt was ‘n wonderlike, geesvervullende paar dae. Dit was absoluut “phenomenal”

~Laurika Booysen~

            Baie dankie vir al die moeite en LIEFDE. Kos en snacks was lekker. Jul is AWESOME!

~Althea Scoltz~

            Dankie. Wat ‘n hengse surprise! Bederf uit die boonste rakke!


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